Corporate Governance


Syntec Construction Public Company Limited (“the Company”) realizes the importance of management in accordance with good corporate governance principles by defining the corporate governance in according to the meaning of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It is a system that provides a structure and process of relationship between the Board of Directors, the management and the shareholders to build competitiveness, leading to growth and adding value to shareholders in the long term with consideration of other stakeholders.

The objective is the company can run a business with honestly, sincerely, reveal, equitable and verifiable. For the efficiency operation and achieve the target.

Board of Directors therefore has prepared a handbook on corporate governance policy. It contains details about the good corporate governance guidelines, management practices, roles and duties of the Board of Directors and internal control. The corporate governance policy is posted on the Company’s website for outsiders to be informed. There is an internal communication within the Company for the directors, executives and employees to understand and implement.

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